Research aids

The Subject librarians offers scholarly advice for university members.

Searching training courses of the Faculty of Law

Swiss legal databases (incl. article search):

Introduction to the legal databases Federal Court Expert Search,, Swisslex and Weblaw. Furthermore introduction to the article search in swisscovery and the courier service. Regular training courses are held during the lecture period. Dates and applications

Databases of international law (incl. article search):

The databases HeinOnline, MPEPIL, OSAIL as well as freely accessible databases are presented. The date can be arranged individually Application

Further databases:

The introductions can be individually supplemented by other databases such as Nexis Uni or Westlaw.

Tip for article search in the library catalogues

1 ) Swiss articles: Swiss articles from journals and serials are only incompletely provided proof in the swisscovery Basel catalogue, so searching in swisscovery is recommended. Two search options are provided:

a)  General articles search: In swisscovery  filter the search result by resource type "articles" and "book chapters".

b)  Article search by classification number (subject area) : Open the page swisscovery "Advanced search", select the search filters "Classifications" and "containing this exact phrase", then enter "CH", classification number and "i" for articles.
For search instructions, see info box "Article search with classification numbers".
- Swiss articles on inheritance law: CH 67 i
- International law articles ECHR: D 18.2 i

2) Further articles: Virtual Library for Legal Research with article references

Reference management programs

The reference management programs Citavi and Zotero are suitable for legal work, whereby the citations must be manually adapted to the citation rules. The UBH offers training courses. Dates